General Dentistry
Are you in search of a trusted root canal doctor in Gandhinagar? Pay a visit to Laxminarayan Multispeciality Dental Clinic. The pool of dentists at this clinic consists of several experts in root canal treatment and other similar complex procedures used in general dentistry.
For us, your dental and oral health are extremely precious. So, we always recommend the best possible treatment for various tooth and gum issues. RCT or root canal treatment is the most effective way of managing failing teeth. Our root canal specialist in Gandhinagar work using the latest equipment and technologies. So, if you want to be treated by a painless root canal doctor in Gandhinagar, the general dentistry department of Laxminarayan Multispeciality Dental Clinic can be the best possible answer to your quest.
Root Canal Treatment
- Patients typically need a root canal when there is inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth.
- During root canal treatment, an endodontist who specializes in such treatment carefully removes the pulp inside the tooth, cleans, disinfects and shapes the root canals, and places a filling to seal the space.
Is RCT treatment painful?
During root canal therapy, the pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. People fear root canals because they assume they are painful. Actually, most people report that the procedure itself is no more painful than having a filling placed.
Is RCT permanent?

- Root canals are over 95% successful and can last a lifetime.
- The most important thing to do to make a root canal last as long as possible is get the permanent restoration (fillings or crowns) on the tooth immediately following the root canal and maintain that restoration with impeccable hygiene
Is capping necessary after RCT?
- A dental crown after a root canal provides reinforcement to your tooth and restores its health and functionality.
- Although adding a dental crown is not necessary after every root canal procedure, all root canal procedures need tooth reinforcement.
Is RCT good for teeth?
Root canal treats infected or injured pulp. This helps to repair a tooth before it requires extraction.
If the pulp becomes injured or diseased, it cannot repair itself, and the tissue dies. If there is a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, or a loose filling, bacteria can enter the pulp.
What are the signs of needing a root canal?
- Severe pain while chewing or biting
- Pimples on the gums
- A chipped or cracked tooth
- Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold, even after the sensation has been removed
- Swollen or tender gums
- Deep decay or darkening of the gums
Is it better to have a root canal or extraction?

It is always better to maintain a healthy, natural smile whenever possible, and root canals allow for just that. Extracting and then replacing a tooth results in more treatments and procedures, and could even impact neighboring teeth and supporting gums.